Thursday, September 10, 2009

Blog Post 4: Music Video

The video I chose is entitled "Becoming the Bull" and is by the band Atreyu. The title, lyrics and music video for this song all have to do with their take on the expression "Grab the bull by the horns." The argument being made is that in todays day and age, just addressing your problems is not enough, that instead you have to "Become the Bull" or in other words, be in control of the situation. When a song has such a bold message, it becomes even more important that the band uses the three devices of rhetoric: ethos pathos and logos, to ensure that they are effective in communicating. In terms of the Ethos used, the video really tries to keep a simple, dark, live performance feel to it. This is likely used in an attempt to make the audience feel like this is a "legit" band that can be relied on. The only side story in the video is what appears to be modern day people running through the streets similar to what you would see in a Spanish "Running of the Bulls." This effect also supports ethos because it creates a connection between the words of the song, and the video, making the music video as a whole, seem more credible. When looking at the Pathos used, I think the everyday people running through the streets also plays a key role. Atreyu is trying to make the connection that everyone goes through these problems, so when an audience member sees someone in the video similar to themselves, they will likely feel much more connected to the meaning of the song. Atreyu also uses the lyrics of the song to connect with the audience. The very first line in the song is "Grab the Bull by the Horns" which is an expression that almost everybody has heard at one point or another. This serves to immediately place the audience member in the situation being argued in the song as well as possibly bring up some relevant memories in the audience members past. Logos, or the logic used, is appealed to in the straight forward, story telling nature of the song. The thoughts behind becoming the bull and what that means, are clearly organized as atrayu first describes the situation, the problem, and finally the solution. The situation is today's unsettling time which everybody can relate to and can easily agree upon. The problem described is that "the struggle consumes us all, trying to keep a level head," or in other words, we try so hard to keep our cool that our problems can get the best of us. The solution being argued is to, "Become the Bull," or in other words take control back of your life.