Tuesday, November 3, 2009

WP2: Statement of Purpose

For my second project I have chosen to analyze the comic strip shown above. I found this comic a couple days before Halloween posted on the news section of the yahoo website and was illustrated by a man named Aaron Johnson. My primary audience for this project will be Mr. Ware, my teacher. He is the most important audience because he will be the one placing a grade on my work and likely will look at it the most extensively. The most likely secondary audience I also have to take into account will be my fellow classmates because several of them will see my work through the pier review process. With these two audiences in mind, the most effective way for me to format my project will be to state the point i am making, then clearly support the claim with several, clearly written paragraphs followed by a summarizing conclusion. This will allow my paper to be easily interpreted by both my audiences. It is also important to keep in mind that the medium in which I am writing is a blogpost as opposed to a paper or an article. As far as my project goes, this means that my audience will be viewing my text from a computer screen. Sense my project is based off of a comic strip, I need to make sure that my chosen comic appears clearly on the computer screen so that my audience has something to refer to while I am making my points. It will also be important for me to make effective use of paragraph spacing and indentation to best help the audience follow my paper while viewing it from a screen. The point I intend on making in my project is that The Halloween comic above Is not only intended to be comical, but also argues that some functions in todays society are set up to only benefit a select few. Johnson accomplishes this through text, visual hierarchy, vectors of attention and contrasting elements.
The context in which this project will be composed is simply as a writing project in early November through the medium of a blog posting website. It will include traditional text as well as multiple hyperlinks and multimedia elements. My goal should be to make all three of these things work together effectively to help support the my point. It may be hard for my audience to see where I am coming from with my view that the comic represents an unfair distribution of rewards in society, so I will first need to establish what I feel each of the separate elements represents, and then build on how the separate elements work together to make the point that I see. My goal isnt necessarily to make my audience agree with me, but at least show them my point of view and logically take them through my thought process. To do this I also plan on an in depth analysis on what I feel the logos, pathos and ethos within the comic appeal to.