Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Blog post #5

For this blog post, I am going to focus specifically on the Pathos behind the the refrain from the song "Become the Bull" outlined in blog post #4. The words are "Back and fourth, the struggle consumes us all, trying to keep a level head. In the most, unsettling of times, today i become the bull." To me, the word Pathos most simply means; in what way does the writer of the text connect and draw interest from the targeted audience. This is often accomplished through playing with specific emotions or memories. Atreyu chooses to use the words "back and forth" to bring out a feeling of tension and almost struggle in the audiences eyes. For example, when one thinks of something going back and fourth, it is natural to think of some sort of uncertain or unsteady memory. After the audience is has sort have gained this feeling of tension, the words "consumes us all" are used to bring about some feeling of unity. It allows the targeted audience to feel like they are in this "struggle" together with the band and everyone else. This feeling creates a connection between Atrayu and the audience and sets them up to be open to the more risky statements that follow. To build more on this Pathos or connection with the audience, Atrayu refers to these times as unsettling, which is obviously a very common perspective among people with today's economy and world issues. Finally, after Atrayu has attempted to build up this really solid connection with their audience, they bring the rhetoric or argument portion of the song by stating,"Today I become the Bull." This is the point where the Pathos become crucial because only if the connection with the audience has been made, will the rhetorical meaning of that statement be taken seriously. If the audience feels that they are in the "struggle" together with Atrayu, and Atrayu says they become the bull and overcome their problems, then the audience is much more likely to feel they can do the same.

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