Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Past Experience with Photography

My past experience with photography has only been the typical take random pictures with my phone and occasionally use a digital camera on vacation. It has never been what i'd call a "hobby" of mine, but I still do place value in obtaining good pictures, specially in memorable moments. Id say my favorite pictures Ive ever taken would be photos of the rocky mountains when I go snowboarding. To me, mountains are the most incredible thing visually in the world, due to there massive size and magic appearance. Another time I have enjoyed taking pictures was when I lived in Australia. I knew I wasnt going to be there forever, and everything seemed so unique and new, so I wanted to make sure that I would have a way to remember how great the experience was. I was only in 5th grade at the time, so none of my pictures were that great, but I had the opportunity to take pictures of things that most people will never have the opportunity to see in their lifetimes. For example, I used an underwater camera to take pictures at the great barrier reef, I took pictures from the bottom of a 300 foot waterfall in the rainforest, I have a picture om me with 3 parrots on my shoulders, I took pictures of the opening and closing ceremonies during the 2000 Olympics in Sydney, ect. I guess in a way, having captured some of these special experiences through photography is what makes me value it because im sure I would not remember my time in Australia nearly as well without all my pictures from there. The last way I would say that I use photography quite abit would be for things like facebook. Although these are rarely high quality or meaningful pictures, they often reflect just what is going on in my life at that time. I still feel like im close to some of my friends from highschool because I can see whats going on in their lives and they can see whats going on in mine.

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