Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Post 9:2nd pre-write

For this post, I will focus more on the technical aspects of the photograph "Barcelona Nights" that I briefly discussed in post eight. In my opinion, the main vectors of attention in the Barcelona Nights photograph are the two high rise buildings near the center of piece. I feel this way because In addition to the buildings being centered, they also form the peak of an apparent triangle as well as heavily contrast with the illuminated night sky. Everything else in the photo seems relatively short in stature and doesn't really stand out of the darkness. In the photo to the right,if you look closely, you can see the same two buildings a ways down the coastline. In this photo neither of those buildings command anywhere near the same amount of attention. In terms of logos, if the photographer did indeed wish for the two buildings two be the center of attention, centering them in the piece automatically creates a balance and hierarchy that is very easy for any audience member to follow. For pathos, I believe the photographer relied on the lighting to set a "mood" in the piece. For example, when most people see light, they feel some sense of energy, so naturally, having light encompassing these two buildings implies that there is a certain energy about these buildings at night time. I feel this point also drifts abit into the rhetorical appeal of Barcelona Nights. Bright lights two both sides and the top of the two buildings form an apparent triangle figure, which appears to be funneling light from the peak of the buildings down to the city below. I believe that the intended rhetorical appeal is something to the effect of how the large commercialism or tourism factor in Barcelona is what keeps the city going or fuels it through "nights" or the dark times. Reffering back to the photo I put up on this post, I think it is important to remember that these two buildings, while tall, usually dont stand out that much with respect to barcelonas massive coast, especially during the day. The Use of black and White as the only colors in Barcelona Nights, could possibly be used as a means to express a sort of simplicity reffering to the fundamental or driving force of the city itself.

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