Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Blog Post 11:comic strip

This is the comic I am going to analyze. I chose this comic because at first appearence it is simple, funny, and to the point. The interactions between my characters are visually develloped by five common monsters all focussed on a duck to the far left of the strip, holding a camera. The interactions betwween my characters are textually developed by the duck stating, "I bill for my time, The ugly get charged more." The Frankenstein monster responds by calling it discrimination. The wearwolf, swamp monster and witch then all respond by what appears to be symbols representing a swear word and lastly, the invisible man says, "sweet!"
At first look, it is easy to just assume this comic is making a holoween joke, but one could also look at this piece with the perspective that the comic is playing to some idea or theme in todays society. For example, the holoween theme could be used to set up a current day context, The first four monsters could represent people who stand out in todays society, and the invisible man could represent one who stays under the radar. So, the rhetorical meaning of this comic could be something like those who stand out today get screwed over.
Another interesting component to look at is the quote by Frankenstien where he says, "That's Discrimination." This also sort of creates a sort of current day context as we hear people the topic of discrimination so much in the news. It also creates a sence of irony within the piece as every cartoon is extreemly different yet the duck can somehow still be accused of discrimination. This brings up another possible rhetorical meaning for this piece, that in today's society, its hard to do almost anything without being sued or accused of some sort of discrimination.
The relationship between the panels is established by a transition of colors from orange to white to purple backgrounds. It is interesting because these three boxes could easily all be put together to appear as one scene, but for some reason, the author decided to divide them. It is posible that this was incorporated as a strategy to create a visual heiarchy to bring the audiences eye from the left side of the comic to the right.

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