Wednesday, November 18, 2009

WP3 prewrite 1

As far as my past experience with art objects goes, I would have to say it has mostly been limited to elementary/middle school art classes and field trips to museums. Im done many small art projects throughout my school carrier just like everybody else, so I feel it is most important to try to identify what in particular most largly influences my outlook on art in general and to what style do I reference back to when judging the success of a particular piece. I am not too experienced with different styles of art, but there has been one that always stands out in my mind. While I lived in Australia, I was able to see many examples of Aborigine style artwork which to this day is my favorite in terms of both style and subject. I like this style of artwork so much because it is completely unique, visually engaging, reflects Australian culture, and often tells a story. A rough description of this style is the use of a large number of dots to form shapes, patterns and objects, which often reflect some aspect of Australian nature. There is also almost always some sort of story being told, even though many times it is hard to say exactly what that story is without talking to the artist. This leaves the interpretation completely up to the audience and I feel that this adds interest to the artwork itself. For example, the example to the right obviously portrays a kangaroo as the main vector of attention, but what the kangaroo is doing, and what the circles behind him represent is up to the audiences interpretation. Aboriginal art combines realistic art with abstract art as you can almost always tell what is in the piece, but it is represented by a large variety of dots instead of the actual lines.
With respect to my overall experience with art, I would then say that Aboriginal art has definitely had the largest influence on me in terms of how I view art universally. For example, if someone were to show me a painting, I would immediately try to identify the subject matter first, just as is a custom when viewing aboriginal artwork. I also am able to appreciate artwork much more that maintains a certain level of realism, similar to aboriginal art, where even though it may not be exact, my mind can still identify what I am looking at.

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