Tuesday, December 8, 2009

WP3: Statement of Purpose

The item I will be writing my rhetorical analysis on for writing project three will be a sculpture entitled "Pieta," created by Bruno Lucchesi. The statue itself is composed of copper, stands on a cement base, and is located just beside the University's art museum. The subject matter of the piece includes an old man who appears to be dead or dying, a younger woman lying over his legs who appears to be mourning his loss, and then about half the figure of a bed. The meaning of this piece is dictated by the similarities and differences between this Pieta, and the classic sculpture Pieta created by Michelangelo located in Vatican City. This point is made by the context surrounding the statue, so that is what I plan on being the main focus of my paper. My primary audience for this project will be my instructor and therefore my purpose for this paper should be to demonstrate my knowledge and skills with rhetorically analyzing objects. It should be written to specifications of the assignment to give me the best chance at a good grade. The most likely secondary audience will be my classmates as they all have links to my blog page on their own blogs and may look to mine in comparison with their own. This also means my paper should be composed in a style in which both my instructor and my fellow students can relate with. The context of this paper in general is the final writing project for my English class this year. It will be turned in right before Christmas break and will be worth a large amount of points out of my final grade.

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